
3 Ways To Help Unclog Your Pores

3 Ways To Help Unclog Your Pores

Clogged pores can be a nightmare and are pretty inevitable. I’ll be surprised if you have never had clogged pores before (and if that is the case, what is your secret?!). There are lots of different factors that can cause clogged pores, such as oil, dry or dead skin cells, everyday dirt and debris, stress, dirty makeup brushes and comedogenic makeup/skincare. And if you don’t treat your clogged pores effectively, it can lead to bigger issues like acne. Unfortunately clogged pores don’t disappear over night with a simple facial wash, but there are a few at home solutions that might just do the trick...

Soften the sebum ladies with an at home steam facial! This is the easiest, most inexpensive and probably one of the most highly effective remedies for clogged pores. I have had an at home steam facial for a good few years and not only is it incredibly relaxing and hydrating, it’s also great at opening up the clogged pores, allowing the impurities trapped inside to be washed away. Not only that, it also helps to prep the skin for subsequent treatments, such as a charcoal face mask. You can use a bowl with hot water to do this, however I recommend you buy an at home steamer like the one pictured above for just £14.99. And to give your steam facial a boost, add a couple of drops of tea tree oil

Activated charcoal is a hero when it comes to congested complexions. It pulls out all the nasties and absorbs up to 200 times its weight in impurities as the mask dries. My personal favourite is Origins Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Face Mask (holy grail), which always lends a hand at really helping to great rid of those horrid skin bumps and those spots that just won’t budge. I love to apply this mask after I have used my at home steam facial and it works wonders at decongesting my skin. You can read my full review here.

Don’t ever underestimate the power of regular cleansing and exfoliation. If your current exfoliator/cleanser isn’t cutting it, try a manual exfoliator/cleanser like the Magnitone Pulsar, a skin cleansing, toning and exfoliating brush. It is a little pricey but it is well worth the investment. It isn’t harsh or abrasive and really helps to get deep into your pores and remove all the unwanted oils, impurities and excess sebum. It is also great at reducing enlarged pores, improving skin texture and tone and I for one can tell when I haven’t used it. You can buy it here for £79.99.

What are your favourite pore unclogging treatments? 
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